Photography Exhibitions, Competitions and Awards


  • 2008- "Walfer FotoFrenn Photo Contest and Exhibition", Walferdange Luxembourg;-  3rd prize colour section.


  • 2009- "National Salon of Photography Luxembourg";- Silver Medal in the colour section, Bronze medal in the monochrome section,  6 acceptances for exhibition; The competition was held under the patronage of FLPA.


  • 2010- "Luxembourg, Photography Challenge Good Year";-  5 acceptances for exhibition. The competition was held under the patronage of FLPA.


  • 2011- "46e BENELUX Photosalon", Imago Hamme, Belgium; CVB Bronze medal in the monochrome section, 3 acceptances for exhibition.
    The competition was held under the patronage of " Ministère de la Culture Flamande, de l’ Administration Communale de Hamme, de "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), du C.V.B., de la B.N.A.F.V., de la F.L.P.A., de la F.B.P., de Oost-Vlaamse Unie voor fotografie, de l’ O.V.U., De Koninklijke Antwerpse Verbroedering van Fotokringen- de l’ K.A.V.F.".


  • 2011- "Walfer Fotofrenn Photo Contest and Exhibition", Walferdange Luxembourg;-  3rd prize colour section.


  • 2011- "Salon International d'Art Photographique de Florange", France 2011;- 2 acceptances for exhibition in the colour and monchrome sections. 
    The competition was held under the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), Fédération Photographique de France (FPP), and "L'Union Regionale Loraine Photo".


  • 2011- "7ème Salon Mondial Photographique de Limours", France;- 2 acceptances for exhibition in the monochrome section.
    The competition was held under the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Photographic Society of America (PSA - CPID), The Royal Photographic Society (RPS), United International Photographers (UIP), Union Regionale D’Art Photographique Du Sud De L’Ile De France (URSIF).


  • 2011- "Concours du Championat FLPA" 2011, Luxembourg";- 4 acceptances for exhibition. The competition was held under the patronage of FLPA.


  • 2012- "4-th Luxembourg International Digital Contest 2012";- 4 acceptances for exhibition and Camera Bronze Medal, Luxembourg Authors Award. The competition was organized by CAMERA Luxembourg and patronized by The Photographic Society of America (PSA - CPID), The "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP) and The "Federation Luxembourgeoise des Photographes Amateurs" (FLPA).


  • 2012- "Challenge "Good Year", Luxembourg 2012;- 6 acceptances for exhibition in the imposed and open themes. The competition was organized by the Photo-Cine Club of Colmar Berg under the patronage of FLPA.


  • 2012- "11º Internacional Virtual Image Exhibition", Buenos Aires, Argentina;- 1 acceptance for exhibition in the Creative section; The competition was organized by the Photo Club Buenos Aires - Argentina under the patronage of The Photographic Society of America (PSA - CPID), The "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Royal Photography Society (RPS), United Photographers International (UPI) and Federacion Argentina de Fotografia (FAF).


  • 2012- "24e Biennale Papier Couleur", Turkey - subject Architecture;- 1 acceptance for exhibition; The competition was organized by the "Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP) and the Photographic Arts Federation of Turkey (PAFT).


  • 2012- "48-e Salon Mondial 2012", Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg;- 3 acceptances for exhibition. The competition was held under the patronage of The Photographic Society of America (PSA), The "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), Image sans Frontiere (ISF) and The "Federation Luxembourgeoise des Photographes Amateurs" (FLPA).


  • 2012- "XII Salo Internacional de Fotografia. Digital", Europa 2012, Spain;- 1 acceptance for exhibition. The competition was held under the patronage of The Photographic Society of America (PSA), The "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), Image sans Frontiere (ISF), "Federation Catalana de Fotografia" (FCF), "Confederation Espaniola de Fotografia" (CEF).


  • 2012- "47e BENELUX FOTOSALON", Imago Hamme, Belgium;- BFF Bronze medal in the monochrome section and 2 acceptances for exhibition. The competition was held under the patronage of " Ministère de la Culture Flamande, de l’ Administration Communale de Hamme, de "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), du C.V.B., de la B.N.A.F.V., de la F.L.P.A., de la F.B.P., de Oost-Vlaamse Unie voor fotografie- de l’ O.V.U., De Koninklijke Antwerpse Verbroedering van Fotokringen- de l’ K.A.V.F.".


  • 2012- "The South Devon Salon of International Photography"; South Devon, UK;- 3 acceptances for exhibition. This salon was organised by the Newton Abbot Photographic Club and conducted under the approved rules of The Photographic Society of America (PSA) and with the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP) and the "United Photographers International" (UPI).


  • 2012- "12th Malmö International Exhibition of Photographic Art", Malmo, Sweden;- 1 acceptance for exhibition in the Monochrome Section. The Salon was organized under the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), " The Photographic Society of America" (PSA), "United Photographers International" (UPI), "Selskabet for Dansk Fotografi" (SDF), "Fotografiska Föreningen i Malmö" (FFiM).


  • 2012- "2 Internationalen Merchweiler Photosalon 2012‘’, Merchweiller, Germany;- 2 acceptances for exhibition in the Monochrome Section. The Salon was organized under the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), "Deutscher Verband fur Fotografie E.V." (DVF), The "Federation Luxembourgeoise des Photographes Amateurs" (FLPA).


  • 2012- "The 47th Sydney International Exhibition of Photography, Australia";- 4 acceptances for exhibition in the Colour, Monochrome, Altered Reality Sections. The exhibition was organized under the patronage of the Australian Photographic Society, "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Photographic Society of America (PSA), The Royal Photographic Society (RPS), UK.


  • 2012- "The Golden Digital", International Salon of Photography, Denmark;- 1 acceptance for exhibition in the "Open" section.
    The Salon was organized under the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Association of Danish Photography (SDF), The Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2012- "Salon International de Photographie ISO 2012", Belgium;- 9 acceptances for exhibition in the Colour, Monochrome and Altered Reality Sections. The Salon was organized under the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Photographic Society of America (PSA), Fédération Belge des Photographes(BFF), Fédération de Cercles Photographiques(FCP), Entente Photographique Hennuyere Amateur(EPHA), United Photographers International(UPI), Centrum voor Beeldexpressie Foto Film Multimedia (CVB).


  • 2012- "38. Salon National FLPA 2012", Junglister, Luxembourg;- 8 acceptances for exhibition in the "Open" and "Imposed" sections. The Salon was organized by FLPA.


  • 2012- "7th French Digital Tour 2012", France;- 9 acceptances for exhibition in the “Open Colour” and "Creative Colour" sections. The Tour was organized under the patronage of  the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), United Photographers International(UPI), Federation Photographique de France(FPF), Image Sans Frontiere(ISF), and received the special recognition of The Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2012- "12th International DVF Digital Imaging Competition 2012" Blaustein/Laupheim, Germany;- 1 acceptance for exhibition in the BW section. The salon was organized  under the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the "Deutscher Verband fur Fotografie E.V." (DVF).


  • 2012- "Ciudad de Villajoyosa, I-st Internacional Exhibition of Photography", Spain;- 3 acceptances for exhibition in the Colour, Monochrome and Creative sections.  The salon was organized under the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the "Confederación Española de Fotografía" (CEF). 


  • 2013- "German International DVF Photocup Circuit", Germany- 8 acceptances for exhibition in the Open PID section. The Photocup was organized  under the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Photographic Society of America (PSA),  the "Deutscher Verband fur Fotografie E.V." (DVF) and The Royal Photographic Society (RPS).


  • 2013- "39e Salon National  de photos monochromes et couleurs de la Federation Luxembourgeoise de la Photographie Artistique";- 6 acceptances for exhibition. The Salon was organized by the Photoclub Ettelbruck under the patronage of the Federation Luxembourgeoise de la Photographie Artistique (FLPA).


  • 2013- "GPH- 2-nd Global Salon", Hungary;- 4 acceptances for exhibition in the Colour and monochrome Sections.


  • 2013- "GaudiRfoto 2013, Saló Internacional de Fotografia", Catalunya, Spain;- won the 2013 GaudiRphoto Trophy in the Monochrome Section, 4 acceptances for exhibition. The Salon was organized under the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), "Federacia Catalana de Fotografia (FCF)" and the "Confederación Española de Fotografía" (CEF).


  • 2013- "Challenge Goodyear", Luxembourg;- won the Bronze Medal in the Open Section and  had 7 acceptances for exhibition. The competition was organized by the Colmar-Berg Cine-Club, under the patronage of FLPA. 


  • 2013- "27th FIAP PROJECTED IMAGES BIENNIAL", 2013, Luxembourg;- 1 acceptance for exhibition. The Salon was organized under the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP).


  • 2013- "3-rd Grand Digital Circuit", India;- 17 acceptances for exhibition . The Grand Circuit was organized under the patronage of "Federation of Indian Photography" (FIP), "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2013- "64th Midland Salon of International Photography", United Kingdom;- 6 acceptances for exhibition. The Salon was organized under the Royal Photographic Society (RRS), United Photographers International (UPI), "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2013- "Le Catalan 2-nd International Photosalon", Spain;- 8 acceptances for exhibition. The Salon was organized under the patronage of  "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), "Federacia Catalana de Fotografia (FCF)", United Photographers International(UPI), Federation Photographique de France(FPF), Image Sans Frontiere (ISF), and received the special recognition of The Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2013- “4 Spanish Andorran Iberoamerican Digital Circuit”, Spain;- 13 acceptances for exhibition. The Salon had  the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Photographic Society of America (PSA), Image sans Frontiere (ISF), "Confederación Española de Fotografía" (CEF), "Federacia Catalana de Fotografia (FCF)".


  • 2013- “The 2nd South Devon Salon of International Photography”, UK;- 4acceptances for exhibition. The Salon was organized under the patronage of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS), the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), United Photographers International (UPI), the Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2013- “12° Salón Internacional de Imagen Virtual”, Buenos Aires, Argentina;- 4 acceptances for exhibition. The Salon was organized under the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), Royal Photographic Society (RPS), United Photographers International (UPI) license and Federacion Argentina de Fotografia (FAF).


  • 2013- "48ste BENELUX FOTOSALON", Imago Hamme, Belgium;- 3 acceptances for exhibition, awarded a Diploma for my Work “Sofia”. The Salon was organized under the auspices of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), under the patronage of " Ministère de la Culture Flamande, de l’ Administration Communale de Hamme, du C.V.B., de la B.N.A.F.V.,  de la F.L.P.A., de la F.B.P., de Oost-Vlaamse Unie voor fotografie- de l’ O.V.U., De Koninklijke Antwerpse Verbroedering van Fotokringen- de l’ K.A.V.F.".


  • 2013- The 3rd Taichung International Exhibition of Photography”, Taiwan;- 2 acceptances for exhibition. The competition was organized under the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), The Photographic Society of Taichung City (PSTC).


  • 2013- The 8-th International Photosalon Kumanovo, FYROM;- 8 acceptances for exhibition. The photosalon was organized under the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), International Association of Art Photographers (IAAP), Image sans Frontiere (ISF), United Photographers International (UPI), Photo Association of Macedonia (PAM).


  • 2013- “1st RTANJ Exhibition 2013”, Serbia; - 15 acceptances for exhibition, awarded FSS praise for my work “Life in Red”. The salon was organized under the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), Foto Association of Serbia (FSS), United Photographers International (UPI).


  • 2013- The “7th International Salon of Photography - Banja Luka 2013”, Bosnia Herzegovina;- 4 acceptances. I was awarded the “AUFBiH GOLD PLAQUE” for my work “Colonnes vers le ciel” and PSA HM for my work “Life in Red”. The Salon was organized by University PhotoCinema Club Banya Luka and Photo Art Banya Luka. The salon was held under the partronage of of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2013- 9th Swansea International Exhibition of Photography 2013, Wales;- 3 acceptances for exhibition. The exhibition had the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), The Royal Photographic Society (RPS), United International Photographers (UIP).


  • 2013- The 3rd Arctic Exhibition of Photographic Art, Norway;- 3 acceptances. I was awarded the UPI GOLD Medal for my work “At the Realm of Unknown”. The exhibition had the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), United Photographers International (UPI).


  • 2013- 2nd International Western Ligurian Circuit, Italy;- 5 acceptances. The circuit had the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), United Photographers International (UPI), The Royal Photographic Society (RPS), Federazione Italiana Associazioni Fotografiche (FIAF), Unione Italiana Fotoamatori (UIF).


  • 2013- International Sillian Organisation 2013, Belgium;- 4 acceptances for exhibition. The Salon had the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), Fédération Belge des Photographes (FBP), Fédération de Cercles Photographiques(FCP), Entente Photographique Hennuyere Amateur(EPHA).


  • 2013-“ 13th International DVF Digital Imaging Competition 2013”, Germany, 5 acceptances for the exhibition. The competition had the patronage of "Deutsche Verband fur Fotografie" (DVF), and the  "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2013-“ ll Salon Internacional de fotografia - Ciudad de Villajoyosa”, Spain, 5 acceptances for the exhibition. The salon had the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP),  "Confederación Española de Fotografía" (CEF).


  • 2013-“ 2e Concours du Championnat National FLPA(2012/2013)”, Luxembourg, won Mention Honorifique CN 2013 , 7 acceptances for the exhibition. The competition had the patronage of FLPA.


  • 2014-" German International DVF Photocup", Germany, 9 acceptance for exhibition. The salon had the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), "Deutsche Verband fur Fotografie" (DVF), United Photographers International (UPI), The Royal Photographic Society (RPS).


  • 2014-" Challenge Good Year", Luxembourg, Silver Medal and 7 acceptances. The competition had the patronage of FLPA.


  • 2014- April, France-  My photo “Eric le Mendiant” was published in the French Photographie Magazine 240/ April 2014


  • 2014- International Circuit and Exhibition " Ecological Truth", Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, 22 acceptances for exhibition. The Circuit had the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), United Photographers International (UPI), Photo Association of Serbia, Academy of Photography of Bulgaria, Photographic Association of Bosnia& Herzegovina, Photografska Zveza Slovenije.


  • 2014- International Photographic Art Exhibition "Lines", Egypt, awarded an  IAAP Ribon and 6 acceptances. The Exhibition had the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), The Royal Photographic Society (RPS), United Photographers International (UPI), Image sans Frontiere (ISF), International Association of Art Photographers (IAAP).


  • 2014- My photo "Colonnes vers le ciel" was exhibited in the Qinghai Sanjiangyuan International Photography Festival (QSIPF),  China from 12th July to 15th July


  • 2014- 6th ICS International Digital Circuit 2014, California, USA, 10 acceptances for exhibition. The Exhibition had the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), The Image Colleague Society (ICS), Image sans Frontiere (ISF) .


  • 2014- 2-nd Swiss International Photo Contest, 3 acceptances for exhibition. The Exhibition had the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2014- Photoforum- Group Exhibition organized By FLPA, Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg,  theme "The Blues, the one and only".


  • The 3-rd JIPF 2nd International Photographic Exhibition, Japan, 4 acceptances for exhibition. The Exhibition had the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), Janez Puhar Photo Society Kranj, The Photographic Society of Japan.


  • 2014- The 3-rd South Devon Salon of International Photography, England, 3 acceptances for exhibition. This salon was conducted under the approved rules of The Photographic Society of America (Projected Image and Nature divisions) and with the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Royal Photographic Society and UPI.


  • 2014- 16-th International Photographic Salon Sibiu, Romania, 1 acceptance for exhibition. This salon was conducted under the approved rules of The Photographic Society of America (PPD division) and with the patronage of "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), The Royal Photographic Society and UPI, Image Sans Frontiere (ISF) and Asociatia Artistilor fotografi  din Romania (AAFR).


  • 2014- RPS 2014 International Images for screen exhibition, UK, 1 acceptance for exhibition.  The exhibition has received FIAP Patronage l and PSA Recognition - PID (Open Traditional & Creative) & ND (Nature).


  • 2014- The 1-st Shenzhen China International Exhibition Of Photography, China, 4 acceptances for exhibition. This salon was conducted under the approved rules of the International Motion Picture Arts Alliance (FIAP), the Canadian Association of Photographic Art (CAPA), the European Association of Photographic Art (EFA) and the Photography Salon Society of Macao (PSSM) certification, organized by the International Photography Exhibition in strict accordance with international norms held following the Beijing, Shanghai, "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP).


  • 2014- 2nd Cairo International Photographic Art Exhibition, Egypt, 5 acceptances for exhibition. This salon received the high patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Royal Photographic Society (RRS), United Photographers International (UPI), The Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2014- GaudiRfoto 2014, Saló Internacional de Fotografia,  Catalunia, 4 acceptances for exhibition. This salon received the high patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the United Photographers International (UPI), the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and Federacio Catalane de Fotografia(FCF).


  • 2014 -40ème Salon National de la FLPA, Luxembourg 2014, 3 acceptances for exhibition. images projetées numériques.


  • 2015- The International Avon Valley Photographic Salon, UK;- 1 acceptance for exhibition. This salon received the high patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Royal Photographic Society (RRS), The Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2015- German International DVF Photocup, Germany, - GIP Medal and 10 acceptances for exhibition, I have been ranked the 8-th in the competition out of 1200 entrants. This salon received the high patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the United Photographers International (UPI), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), DVF Patronage.


  • 2015- The Cheltenham International Salon of Photography, UK;- 6 acceptances for exhibition. The salon received the high patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the United Photographers International (UPI), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), the Royal Photographic Society (RRS).


  • 2015- 2nd International Salon "Reflections 2015", Serbia;- 4 acceptances for exhibition. The competition was organized by Serbia Photo Beograd and receievd the patronage of Foto Association of Serbia (FSS), "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), ), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), the Royal Photographic Society (RRS), the United Photographers International (UPI).


  • 2015- Great British Small Print Circuit, UK;-, 13 Acceptances for exhibition and a Selector Award. The competition had the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA).


  • 2015- International Digital Photo Competition, Cyprus;-, 4 acceptances for exhibition. The competition was organized by CPS and had the patronage of the "Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique" (FIAP), the Photographic Society of America (PSA), Image sans Frontiere (ISF), United Photographers International (UPI), and had the recognition of Image Colleague Society (ICS).
  • 2015- July-September- Photoforum- Group Exhibition at CHEM site Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg.


  • 2015 September- Received the distinction EFIAP (Excellence de la Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique)


  • 2015- Salon National 2015, Luxembourg; 7 acceptances for exhibition. The salon had the patronage of FLPA.